Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Project Design

Topology is of a special importance to forestry data entry due to the large amount of GPS data collected. This project will be based around simulated GPS data collection being overlayed onto a base dataset, which will be topology and geographically correct.

Project Title: Using topology to simulate problems that can arise during data entry in forestry situations when several uncorrected feature datasets are overlayed on a topologically correct dataset.

the base dataset, which will be taken from CANFOR Grande Prairie divisions FMA, will include the following topologically correct layers:

  1. Routed roads
  2. Lakes and rivers
  3. AVI vegetation inventory
  4. Harvested blocks
  5. Pinelines
  6. Lease sites
  7. Net loss
The simulated forestry operations which will have collected GPS data that will be overlayed onto the base data will each be in their own data set. This will allow topology rules to be set which will correct each data set while allowing interaction between data sets ie. Resource extraction points must fall within lease sites.

GPS block layout data

  1. Block boundary (poly)
  2. Block roads (line)
  3. Crossings (point)
  4. Block creeks (line)
  5. Wildlife points (point)
  6. Resource extraction points (point)
  7. Reserves (poly)
Site preparation

  1. Type of site prep. within block (poly)
  2. Site prep. lines (line)
  3. Fuel Caches (point)
  4. Points of interest (point)
Beetle probing

  1. Plot center (point)
  2. Transect lines (line)
  3. Plot outline (poly)
  4. Beetle locations (point)

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