Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Entering Topology Rules

Once a geodatabase is created, and contains the desried feature datasets within it, topolgy rules can be set. In order to do this:
  1. Open ArcCaralog and select the feature dataset you wish the topology rules to be applied to.

  2. Right click and go to New/Topology.

  3. Enter a title and the desired cluster tolerance (discussed in last weeks blog entry)

  4. Select which feature classes will participate in the topology

  5. Ranks can now be assigned to each of the feature classes (Discussed in last weeks clutser tolerance entry)

  6. Rules can now be added by selecting "add rule" and defining the rules by selecteing wihcih feature classes will eb involved and which rule will apply.

  7. Once satisfied lick next and finish, the topology will then be created as a feature class within the dataset and can be validated.

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