Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Topology Validation

Once a topology has been created in ArcCataloge, it needs to be validated in order to recognise where errors occur. This is an option given to you immidately after creating a topology in ARcCatalog. It can also be done at a later date in ArcMap. Using this option will let you select wether you would like to validate the entire topology or jsut a section of it, to save time when editing smaller areas.

The three buttons with checkmarks on them, shown above on the topolgy toolbar, are topology validation tools. Going from left to right is the validate topology in specified area, validate topology in current extent and validate entire topology tools.

Validate topology in specified area

Select this tool and drag a box around the area you would like to validate.

Validate topology in current extent

Select this tool to validate eveyrhting shown in the current extent of the screen

Validate entire topology

Select this tool to validate the entire topology

Once topology has been validated, errors will be highlighted within the topology layer in ArcMap in red. Below is a before and after validation picture of a topology error that occured because two features of the same type overlapped eachother.

1 comment:

  1. Looks good, nice clear direction. I don't need to validate topology for my project but nice to know how it works.

